Saturday, 17 May 2014

So, I've heard Ignorance is Bliss!

I've been there, haven't you? I was doing fine living in my ignorance, I was happy. Whether being in love, dreaming about the future or carefully constructing the future. Flawless situations, always working out in our advantage, always knowing what to say, do, manage, survive, invincible in this utopia of thoughts, worlds and reality. After all we live our own reality, aren't we? We don't want someone to ruin it for us! No one knows us better than ourselves! Who has the right to judge? You don't know what we've been through and you won't get it. Sounds a bit defensive, it's the truth after all, we know what's best for us.

Yet nothing works out how we imagine, we don't know the right thing to say at the right time, and when we do, is such a good feeling that every wrong we made and said before vanishes, Bliss. We do not want to know the bad, the cheating, the lying, facts don't matter, because we know, never doubt thyself, always defend our views, never back down, never in the wrong.

Yet i know, you know, all this is just a lie we keep telling to keep us dreaming. Ignorance is bliss, yet we have a hunger for knowledge. Did you have this conversation before, where someone wants to say something and they go "Nothing, forget it" and there at that instant, not even a second, desire takes over. We need to know! You don't just say something and not finish it!!!! YOU'VE STARTED THIS, YOU FINISH IT! Angry, feeling deprived of our right to know, it's the only thing we think about, we need to know!

So wait, ignorance is bliss, why so interested all of a sudden, they might crush your reality, the words might be "You're girl/boyfriend is cheating on you", oh the dreadful words, the world might be ending. Won't you rather live happy, ignorant and blissful ?

Well, no, psychologically, naturally, we are curious. When we are deprived of the truth, we need to know, we make assumptions about things we do not know, dream big remember?

Well that's why Ignorance is really just another word for Denial, isn't it? Knowledge is power though; it sets us free doesn't it? Possibilities arise, conversation is created, and ideas are discussed, understanding of the world and our emotions. We are teachers of the moment, feed this beast called mind, expand our horizons, emotionally stronger, empowered. We take the leash, suddenly we can make a change, control our emotions, because we understand the cause, the effect, we are led to solutions, we dream of the solution, not the situation, win. Because to win, to be not blissful but aware of our reality (whatever that reality is), we need to know the cause and effect.

It's called the "Pursuit of Happiness" and when we pursue, we will fall, be in the wrong, our world shuttered at times, but the knowledge sets us emotionally free. Only then we realize we had the power from the start, but the absence of knowledge, the ignorance, was the countdown to our doomsday.

Question, Discuss, Criticize, Accept, Question again, until we reach the undeniable truth, Pursue the Dream.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing-Socrates.

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