Thursday 22 May 2014

Aliens: The Argument is Over.

Aliens, am I right? Boring! Same story, told so many times. This is the end of that conversation so stick with me. Let’s say we believe in aliens, we can talk about abductions, pyramids, UFO (“Unidentified Flying Object”, so yea let’s say it was a spaceship FOR SURE and we know what we saw!) and every other argument for it. Let our mind wonder for a while now.

We know life on earth was made possible because of the carbon atom. This atom can bind other atoms in the periodic table and form the necessary conditions for life to exist (if you believe in evolution and facts that is, let’s just say you are for the sake of the argument). It is the only atom known to man that can do that, and also there is an assumption that silicon can also create life but we have no proof of that since we came from the carbon and carbon is the best one out there so why choose silicon anyway. Still doesn’t matter, but let’s say there is a civilization out there that maybe used one of these, or something else we have no clue about. Very possible indeed for aliens to exist, maybe not humans, but a life form, let’s say something that looks like human so we can visualize it as well (maybe it's an organism of some kind, or anything that can resemble any type of intelligent life).

Here are the problems.  For these life forms to reach earth they must have solved some problems. They can now reach the speed of light (if not a speed we don’t know of, let’s stick with the light for now), they might be able to travel through black holes, portals of time and space as well to be able to reach earth! Now think of humans. How back are we in achieving that? Hundreds/Thousands/Millions of years, right? So it probably took them a while to get there right?

What they solved along the way to get to those discoveries was, energy sustainability of their planet, solve the science problems we have such as radiation while in speed of light and how can u see while you are travelling at that speed, fuel to do it as well. We also know that space is dangerous; it can kill you with so many ways, such as exploding stars that can wipe out the atmosphere of the planet, asteroids hitting the planet they live on, their planet exploding, their sun exploding (assuming the conditions for life require light, let’s say it does because we have no evidence to suggest otherwise). So they had to solve all those problems and some to actually be able to get here.

Now if we believe they exist and came to Earth, we would probably say we are not the centre of the universe (which is correct) and there is something out there bigger than us. So why come to earth?  We solved nothing compared to them; we are like idiots humping sticks. But let’s say they came because they are curious right? So they came, and what? Made a vacation out of it and build some buildings so we now see meaning in those buildings? So they actually could predict the future right? Since no guaranteed was made that we would even notice in 2014. BUT EVEN THAT, is not the biggest problem with this argument.

You are telling me there are living organisms/forms of life out there, that can do all of those things, they can do basically anything. Yet they choose US to abduct that we have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to offer them. I will even give you that!!!! Don’t you want to go find them? Talk to them? Interact with that civilization that is millions of years ahead of us? So the real question is, what do we do, TO GET THERE? If all these things are possible WHY AREN’T WE TRYING TO GET OUT! Ask yourself that. Because when we DO get there, and we DO get to interact, our whole world will change. So put this argument to rest, and strive to solve the mysteries “they” solved to get here, so we can get to them.

If we stay here waiting, we DO believe we are the centre of the universe or considered special to them in any sense, and that is simply not true.

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